2021-2022 Online Annual Report

Welcome … to the Foundation’s online 2021-22 Annual Report covering grants made from September 2021 to August 2022.

This year’s annual report is available only in this online format.  As grantmaking increased four years ago, it became impractical to publish grant recipient and program profiles in a printed booklet.  Abbreviated printed booklets were printed in 2017-18 and 2018-19.  In checking with stakeholders, they indicated that the online report met their needs and there was no need for the printed booklet. 

We hope you enjoy reading our Year in Review summary.  Also, check out profiles in the "Grants 2020-21" section … you'll find profiles of the 144 organizations to whom the Foundation made 159 grants totaling $5,335,000 in 2021-22.  Grant recipients wanting to submit additional profile page content (words, photos, web site and YouTube links) for consideration should send it in a Word document or JPG file format to Roger Ruhl at rogerlruhl@aol.com.

Past annual reports and grants lists from recent years are available in the News/Photos section of the web site. 

We encourage readers to share this online location (www.DaterFoundation.org/annualreport) with co-workers, friends and others whom they feel would be interested in learning more about the good work being done by the nonprofit organizations that received Dater Foundation grants in 2021-22. 

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Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731
