Crayons to Computers

1350 Tennessee Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229

Crayons for Kids Fund

Imagine ... you are eight years old. You report to homeroom on your first day of school only to see kids opening their new backpacks full of notebooks, pencils, markers, scissors and the like—laughing and comparing supplies. You showed up with nothing because your family couldn't afford school supplies. How would you feel?   For an underprivileged child, every school supply holds the potential for something new. Something bigger. Something better. That's why Crayons to Computers is dedicated to providing kids with the supplies they need to succeed in school. It's simple, yet so critical. One pencil can draw the path to literacy. One box of crayons can color the imagination with new possibilities. These ordinary supplies can have extraordinary impact and change the course of a child's life.

Through Crayons' Teacher Free Store and Mobile Outreach Program (MOP) a variety of materials are offered that support learning, including basic supplies like crayons, paper, scissors, and pencils, as well as enrichment and incentive items that teachers can use to motivate and inspire student engagement.

Amount: $30,000
Date: July 2019


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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731