American Red Cross

2111 Dana Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45207

Leadership Development Camp

The Dater Foundation has enriched the lives of students by supporting their leadership development since 2017.  The Red Cross hosted the 36th Annual summer Leadership Development Camp (LDC) on July 9 - 12 on the campus of Xavier University. One hundred-thirty students, ages 13-17, entering grades 8-12, learned leadership skills and confidence building.  Other topics featured included effective communication, goal setting, time management, problem solving, innovative thinking, college preparedness, self-esteem building, ethics, and volunteerism.  Most campers were from low-to-moderate income families and resided in underserved inner-city neighborhoods in the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky region.  The campers came as strangers but left with new friendships. Thirty counselors helped at the camp, which included spending a year planning and preparing in advance of the camp. Campers participated in "The Game of Life" diversity activity.  There were outdoor evening activities, a social with dancing and games, and some great classes taught by the high school counselors.

Amount: $20,000
Date: May 2019


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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
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