U.C. Med Mentors

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, P.O. Box 670667
Cincinnati, OH 45267

Student Mentoring ... medical students mentor Cincinnati Public Schools students

Grant Application:

UC Med Mentors is a non-profit youth mentoring opportunity for UC medical students to reach out to the youth of Cincinnati while they are undergoing their training to be physicians. The program serves as a cultural exchange for the medical students and provides opportunities for them to gain insight into the lives of children growing up in adverse conditions. The mentoring relationship exposes the mentees to new and different experiences and provides positive reinforcement and encouragement. This experience serves to make them more well-rounded and compassionate physicians.

UC Med Mentors is an affinity group under Cincinnati Youth Collaborative (CYC), which provides the mandatory training for the medical students to be effective mentors. The CYC is also responsible for identifying the mentees for the medical students.  The Dater Foundation is the program's largest funding source and helps pay for school supplies, sporting events, and cultural outings.  About 150 medical students mentor 75 children in grades 2-6. The students in the program consistently show improvement in grades, school attendance, and behavior. .

The COVID-19 pandemic continued to provide challenges in 2020-21 and some traditional activities were cancelled.  When in-person contact needed to be restricted, mentors were very resourceful in trying to maintain the relationships by texting, calling, and even writing letters.  

Amount: $15,000
Date: September 2021

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731
