Envision Children
8 Enfield Street
Cincinnati, OH 45218
Catch Every Child
Envision Children (EC), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency devoted to helping underserved children achieve academic excellence through engaging and hands-on activities. Envision Children’s mission is to provide underserved students with supplemental educational instruction in science, technology, engineering, math, reading and critical thinking that will allow them to excel academically. Envision Children's Catch Every Child (CEC) initiative provides out-of-school programs and private tutoring designed to increase the academic performance of students who are primarily African American or Latino. Many of these students also come from families with incomes below the Federal Poverty Level. This population of students is currently underserved, and the CEC initiative strives to improve their academic performance. Quantitative data is gathered from school partners,
http://www.envisionchildren.org Amount: $25,000
Date: June 2021