500 Technology Way
Florence, KY 41042
Gateway Childcare Program
Gateway Community and Technical College’s Childcare Program provides free childcare services to enrolled students while they are in class or need time to study. The program has shown an increase in student retention and academic achievement. The program addresses a key need: the need for access to high-quality, reliable childcare services for postsecondary, low-income students. The childcare program provides a safe learning environment for children ages 2-12 while their parent is attending class or studying. Fully-certified instructors facilitate age-appropriate learning and activities consisting of literacy, numeracy, dance/art/music programming, natural science, and dramatic play curriculum activities. For school-aged children, the instructors also provide homework help. With support of the Dater Foundation the Childcare Program is providing the opportunity to serve 25 children of parents attending Gateway.
Website: http://www.Gateway.kctcs.edu
Amount: $20,000
Date: July 2020
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